City Wide
Seniors Tax and Water Relief Programs
The deadline to apply for Property Tax, Water & Solid Waste Relief and Rebate Programs is October 31, 2024.
Learn more about eligibility criteria and how to apply here.
Survey for Dogs Off-Lease Areas Review
In June, Council requested Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) to develop criteria to determine sites acceptable for Commercial Dog Walkers and to propose a list of acceptable sites across the City (MM19.3). This will be included as part of the review and update to the City’s approach to dogs off-leash areas, requested by Council in October 2023 (2023.IE6.8).
Online Survey
As part of the public engagement to develop this criteria, the City is conducting a survey for all residents, which can be accessed through We hope to hear from all Torontonians, including dog owners, non-dog owners, and Commercial Dog Walkers. The survey will be open until October 31, 2024.
Housing Rights Advisory Committee Vacancy
Are you passionate about housing in the City of Toronto and committed to advancing the right to adequate housing?
The City of Toronto is looking for residents with a diversity of living/lived experience of housing precarity and homelessness, including youth, Indigenous and Black residents, housing advocates, academics, and service providers to fill a vacancy on the committee.
Meetings are held a minimum of four times a year during business hours.
Learn more and apply by November 1 here.
Stormwater Management Incentives Consultation
Yesterday, Toronto Water launched a public consultation on opportunities for new and expanded stormwater management incentives for private properties. It aims to gather feedback on existing and potential grants, subsidies or rebates for installing green infrastructure like permeable surfaces, rain gardens or bioswales, and for actions that reduce flooding risks, as directed by City Council in July 2024.
The consultation will run until November 5. The public is encouraged to participate in the consultation by completing an online survey or providing feedback through email or phone.
More information is available at

Public Engagements for the Parks and Recreation Facilities Plan and Parkland Strategy
The City is conducting public consultations to listen and learn about what recreation needs and priorities are important to residents and their communities. These consultations are part of the review and refresth of the Parks and Recreation Facilities Plan and the Parkland Strategy.
All residents can share their opinions by participating in several in-person and online opportunities from Friday, October 18, to Wednesday, December 18. The survey will be available in six languages and can be found on the City’s website:
The Parkland Strategy and Parks and Recreation Facilities Plan (formerly the Facilities Master Plan) are 20-year plans that guide the growth and investment in these spaces across the city. Every five years, these plans are reviewed to ensure they continue to meet the changing needs and priorities of residents and reflect updates in population, policies and funding.
To learn more about other opportunities to share your input or to sign up for updates on the engagement process, visit the project webpage.
Ward 4
Halloween Howl by Junction Residents Association

Construction Notice: Sunnyside Sewage Pumping Station
Expected Start Date: November 2024
Expected End Date: Summer 2025
*Timeline is subject to change. Future notice to be provided.
The City of Toronto will be rehabilitating the Sunnyside Pumping Station starting this fall. The work
will involve repairing and replacing aging infrastructure with new technology to help improve efficiency
and ensure the City can continue to provide long-term reliable service.
View full notice here.
2400-2440 Dundas St W Community Consultation Meeting
The City has received a resubmitted Zoning By-law Amendment application for 2400-2440 Dundas St W and as a result City Planning has scheduled a virtual Community Consultation Meeting for the evening of Monday, October 28th at 6pm.
A resubmission has been proposed for this space for two mixed-use buildings comprised of three towers being 25, 37 and 42-storeys in height, with retail on some ground floors. The proposal would contain 1214 residential units, 1394 bike parking spaces, 155 vehicle parking spaces, a new 1,044 square metre public park, and a new private road will provide vehicular and pedestrian access to the existing GO/UP Station pick-up/drop-off loop to the south of the site. A pre-application community meeting was held for this site previously on February 22nd, 2023 and a previous community consultation meeting was held on June 20th, 2023. This month's meeting, consisting of a short presentation of the development followed by a Q&A session, will allow you to view the proposal and share your thoughts.
Councillor Perks and City Planning staff, and the applicant will be in attendance to help answer any questions that may arise. You can register for the meeting here:
Further information on the project and what is being proposed can be found on the City's Application Information Centre website here:
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Community Consultation Reminder for 2106-2112 Dundas St West & 1 Golden Ave
This is a reminder that the City has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application for 2461-2475 Dundas St West and City Planning has scheduled a virtual Community Consultation Meeting for the evening of Wednesday October 30th at 6pm. This meeting is a rescheduling of last month’s meeting which unfortunately had to be cancelled on short notice.
A plan has been proposed to redevelop this space into a 10-storey mixed use building including 3 retail units on the ground floor. The building would contain 52 residential units, 58 bike parking spaces, and 4 vehicle parking spaces. This month's meeting, consisting of presentations from the applicant and City Planning Staff, followed by a Q&A session, will allow you to view the proposal and share your thoughts.
Councillor Perks, City Planning staff, and the applicant will be in attendance to help answer any questions that may arise. You can register for the meeting here:
Further information on the project and what is being proposed can be found on the City's Application Information Centre website here:
Looking forward to seeing you there.
1930-1938 Bloor St W & 3, 5, & 21 Quebec Ave
The owner’s of this site previously submitted an application to the City for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition & Conversion application to permit a 17-storey mixed-use building, containing 144 dwelling units (of which 12 are rental replacement units).
After a community consultation meeting and discussion among the City’s Planning staff, the City decided to refuse the application because outstanding issues could not be resolved within the legislated timeline for decision of 90 days. Details of the decision can be found here.
The applicant has thus decided to appeal the City’s refusal decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Details on this case can be found here:
A notice was sent to interested parties outlining how to remain involved, a portion of which can be read here If you would like a copy of the full 19 page notice, please reach out to my office at [email protected] and I will be happy to supply you with one.
If you wish to participate in the hearing, instructions on how to do so are listed on page 3 and 4 of the notice, under the heading Party and Participant Status Request. I note this pertinent section from page 4 of the notice:
"Persons who are granted party status may participate fully in the proceeding (see Rule 8). Persons who are granted participant status may only participate in writing by way of a participant statement. This statement is expected to be provided 10 days advance of the Case Management Conference [on Nov 6] as part of the status request and sets out their position in the matter (see Rule 7.7). Only persons who are granted party or participant status by the Tribunal at the CMC are permitted to participate in any further hearing event that is convened by the Tribunal for this appeal."
If you wish to be a party it requires the hiring of a Planning Lawyer who will be able to make planning law-based arguments on why this request should not be granted. If you wish to request participant status, this will allow you to write in to the Tribunal and voice your opinion.
The City will have a lawyer at the Tribunal to defend it’s refusal decision.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our office at [email protected].
*NEW MEETING DATE* 138 Dowling Ave Pre-Application Community Meeting
It has come to our attention that there was a clerical error in the notice delivered to local residents' homes which listed the incorrect timing of the October 8th pre-application meeting for 138 Dowling Ave. This resulted in a number of residents missing the meeting. At our request, the applicant will hold another meeting for those interested. Details below.
Date: Tuesday, November 19 2024 at 6:00pm
Link to register:
The applicant is proposing a 14-storey residential building with a mix of 1, 2, 3 bedroom units and studios with approximately 49% 1 bedrooms. They have been working with Planning staff and are hosting this meeting at the request of our office.
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