Ward 4 Updates
TE17.34 - Traffic Calming (Speed Humps and Speed Bumps) - West Parkdale Neighbourhood
Work on the West Parkdale Cycling Connection continues.
A Transportation Staff Report will be considered at the October 24th Toronto East York Community Council meeting that recommends installation of speed humps on four streets and speed bumps in one lane in the West Parkdale Neighbourhood.
The recommendation follows Transportation Services’ investigation of the feasibility of installing traffic calming in conjunction with the West Parkdale Cycling Connections project.
The West Parkdale Cycling Connections connects a gap in the cycling network from The Queensway to Brock Avenue and improves cycling access to destinations such as High Park, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, retail, transit, and schools.
I am proud of the work that we have achieved as a community in an effort to create a safer community and neighbourhood for all road users and will be supporting the staff recommendations in this report.
The report is available for your review at https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2024.TE17.34
If you have any questions or concerns you wish to share with me directly, my office can be reached at [email protected] .
If you wish to comment at the Toronto East York Community Council Committee you can submit written comments or register to speak at [email protected].
Updates on the Parkside Drive Study: IE17.4 Final Report and E17.35 - Traffic Calming (Speed Humps) on residential streets
The work to create a safer Parkside Drive and neighbouring community continues.
There are two reports that will be heard at City Committees and Council next week that will address improved safety of the neighbourhood.
A staff Report recommending endorsement, in principle, of bike lanes and intersection safety improvements on Parkside Drive will be heard at the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on Tuesday, October 22nd.
This report seeks endorsement, in principle, to advance detailed design of the road safety changes that were identified in the Parkside Drive Study. Funding for these improvements are part of the 2025- 2034 Transportation Services Capital Budget submission for Council consideration and approval.
The report is available for your review at https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2024.IE17.4 .
On Thursday, October 24th at Toronto East York Community Council will review a Staff Report recommending traffic calming on five streets adjacent to Parkside Drive.
The Parkside Drive Study assessed the feasibility of design changes that could improve safety and mobility along the corridor. Transportation staff that studied the area indicates that speed humps would support enhanced safety, are desired by the local community and are technically feasible to implement.
The report is available for your review at https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2024.TE17.35
I am proud of the work that we have achieved as a community in an effort to create a safer Parkside and neighbourhood and will be supporting the staff recommendations on both of these reports.
IF you have any questions or concerns you wish to share with me directly, my office can be reached at [email protected] .
IF you wish to comment at the Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting, you can submit written comments or register to speak at [email protected] .
IF you wish to comment at the Toronto East York Community Council meeting, you can submit written comments or register to speak at [email protected] .
3194-3206 Dundas St N Committee of Adjustment Application
A zoning amendment was granted to an application on this site in Feb 2022 for the development of the site for an 8-storey mixed-use building containing 86 residential dwelling units, with retail at grade, and 48 vehicle parking spaces.
Recently, an application has been made to the Committee of Adjustment to alter the development standards for the 8-storey mixed-use building, by increasing the height/number of stories, gross floor area, minimum building setbacks, and adding residential dwelling units to the first storey. Also, to reduce the number of resident and visitor parking spaces as well as to reduce the vertical clearance of one parking space. The resulting building will be one storey taller.
The item will be heard at the Committee of Adjustment hearing on October 23rd, 2024 in the afternoon session, around 3pm. Instructions on how to participate in the hearing can be found here: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/committee-of-adjustment/participate-at-a-hearing/.
More information on this Committee of Adjustment application, including the staff report from City Planning can be found on the City’s website here: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/application-details/?id=5504413&pid=154047.
The Site Plan remains under review for this site.
1930-1938 Bloor St W & 3, 5, & 21 Quebec Ave
The owner’s of this site previously submitted an application to the City for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition & Conversion application to permit a 17-storey mixed-use building, containing 144 dwelling units (of which 12 are rental replacement units).
After a community consultation meeting and discussion among the City’s Planning staff, the City decided to refuse the application because outstanding issues could not be resolved within the legislated timeline for decision of 90 days. Details of the decision can be found here.
The applicant has thus decided to appeal the City’s refusal decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Details on this case can be found here: https://jus-olt-prod.powerappsportals.com/en/e-status/details/?id=bd357b6e-796c-ef11-a670-000d3a0c9ce2.
A notice was sent to interested parties outlining how to remain involved, a portion of which can be read here If you would like a copy of the full 19 page notice, please reach out to my office at [email protected] and I will be happy to supply you with one.
If you wish to participate in the hearing, instructions on how to do so are listed on page 3 and 4 of the notice, under the heading Party and Participant Status Request. I note this pertinent section from page 4 of the notice:
"Persons who are granted party status may participate fully in the proceeding (see Rule 8). Persons who are granted participant status may only participate in writing by way of a participant statement. This statement is expected to be provided 10 days advance of the Case Management Conference [on Nov 6] as part of the status request and sets out their position in the matter (see Rule 7.7). Only persons who are granted party or participant status by the Tribunal at the CMC are permitted to participate in any further hearing event that is convened by the Tribunal for this appeal."
If you wish to be a party it requires the hiring of a Planning Lawyer who will be able to make planning law-based arguments on why this request should not be granted. If you wish to request participant status, this will allow you to write in to the Tribunal and voice your opinion.
The City will have a lawyer at the Tribunal to defend it’s refusal decision.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our office at [email protected].
Friends of High Park Zoo - Zoo Boo Event

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