Next week, at the Planning and Housing Committee, there will be two items on the agenda pertaining to the Parkdale Hub.
The intention of the Parkdale Hub is to improve and expand important City-owned facilities and community agency space at the intersection of Queen Street West and Cowan Avenue. The Parkdale Hub was considered by City Council in 2017 as an opportunity to integrate and improve service delivery and unlock City-owned lands for new affordable rental housing.
In May of 2023, City Council approved the site to be included as part of the Housing Now Initiative to advance the affordable rental housing component of the project.
Two staff reports include Item PH7.5 which recommends approval of City-initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, and the Rental Housing Demolition application to permit the proposed development concept. The proposal is to build at least 231 new rental housing units, of which between 30-50 percent will be new affordable rental housing units in accordance with the City's Housing Now Initiative; and item PH7.11 which recommends that Council approve the alterations proposed for the designated heritage properties at 220 Cowan Avenue and 1313 Queen Street West. The impacts of the proposed development on the heritage properties are mitigated through the overall conservation strategy and the compatible design of the new construction.
Planning and Housing Committee meeting can be viewed live on October 26th at Toronto City Council - YouTube .
I will continue to provide updates more information on this project becomes available. Please share any comments or questions by emailing [email protected]
- Lambton Park Playground Enhancement Project Update
- Western Beaches Public Realm Plan
- Emergency Bridge Repairs: Dufferin Street Bridge
- Bloor Street West Full Closure for Bridge Installation
- Bloor West Complete Street Extension
- CaféTO Update
Lambton Park Play Ground Improvements
The Lambton Park Playground Improvements project is complete and the playground is now open. These improvements are part of an ongoing city-wide program to ensure playgrounds provide safe and accessible fun for many years to come.
The final playground design and layout was determined using feedback from the community and available funding. An additional slide has been added, a shade canopy on the junior structure, and a small climber structure for ages two to five. The new playground is accessible and includes the following features:
- One junior play structure for ages two to five with:
- One small curved slide
- Two climbing options
- One play panel
- Transfer stations
- One senior play structure for ages five to 12 with:
- One triple slide
- Five climbing options
- Four separate climbing options linked by stepping stones and wobble board
- Transfer stations
- One stand-alone climber for ages two to five
- One swing set with one accessible swing, one junior swing for ages two to five, and two senior swings for ages five to 12
For more information on the Lambton Park Playground Improvements, visit the project webpage here.
Have your say on the Western Beaches Public Realm Plan
The City is updating the vision for the Western Beaches in Toronto’s Western Waterfront.
The context of the Western Beaches has changed since the completion of the 2009 Western Waterfront Master Plan -- rising lake levels, shoreline erosion, an aging break water, the adoption of the Reconciliation Action Plan, an increased awareness of the historical and cultural significance of the mouth of the Humber River -- have each influenced the implementation of the Western Waterfront Master Plan and resulted in the need for an update.
The update will address things such as current initiatives, objectives, identifying new opportunities for improvements to the parks, trails, roads, and other facilities that support the Western Beaches, among other things.
Learn more and map your ideas and thoughts using the interactive map here:
Emergency Bridge Repairs :Dufferin Street Bridge over Metrolinx Rail Corridor
Work to remove and replace the bridge deck panels is anticipated to start as early as October 21, 2023. Please email Councillor Perks or the Issues management Coordinator Karolina Kluska, 416-392-9026, [email protected] should you have any questions.
Construction Notice: Bloor Street West Full Closure for Bridge Installation
Bloor Street West Full Closure for Bridge Installation-Daily night closures with roadway open during the day from Monday, October 23, 2023, at 21:00 to Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 05:00 .
To complete the bridge installation work, a full closure will be required on Bloor Street West, between St. Helens Avenue and Ruttan Street. Throughout the week, a full road and sidewalk closure will be required from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. every night starting Monday October 23 and will be completed by Saturday, October 28. During the full nightly closures, all traffic lanes and sidewalks will be closed. Closure & detour signs will be posted at nearest signalized intersections well in advance of the work. Paid duty officers will be present at both sides of the closure during the weekend of full closures. The work zone will be fenced off.
You can find the full notice here if you'd like more information.
Update 7: Bloor West Complete Street Extension
This is an update on phase 1 of the installation of the Bloor Street West Complete Street Extension from Runnymede Road to Aberfoyle Crescent. Installation of phase 1 began the week of September 11, 2023. Initial installation is planned for completion in December 2023, with upgrades planned for 2024 and beyond.
Work scheduled for Oct 18th to 20th:
- Continued installation of pavement markings such as hatching, symbols, arrows, etc. between Runnymede Road and Aberfoyle Crescent.
- Installation of the curbs between Aberfoyle Crescent and Prince Edward Drive, starting from the Aberfoyle Crescent, followed by the installation of flex post bollards and planters.
- Installation of pavement markings between Old Mill Drive and Jane Street to reconfigure the roadway.
- Addition of traffic barrels to guide road users during construction.
Work scheduled for the week of October 23rd, 2023:
- Installation of pavement markings for bus stops along the corridor and bus lane between Jane Street and Armadale Avenue.
- Continued installation of the curbs between Aberfoyle Crescent and Runnymede Road, followed by the installation of flex post bollards and planters.
- Ongoing signage installation and adjustments along the corridor to support the Complete Street design.
Work scheduled for the rest of October 2023:
- Installation of painted curb extensions and all remaining pavement markings between Runnymede Road and Aberfoyle Crescent.
- Continued installation of the curbs, flex post bollards and planters between Aberfoyle Crescent and Runnymede Road.
*Work will take place both during the day and at night, weather permitting, and is scheduled to avoid conflicts with other construction in the roadway.
For more project details, please visit:
Program improvements for summer 2024 CaféTO patio season
CaféTO, which was made a permanent City program this year, has transformed Toronto’s commercial main streets, revitalized neighbourhoods and supported hundreds of local restaurants and food suppliers, while protecting thousands of jobs during a very challenging time for the hospitality industry.
City staff are planning for a better and more streamlined CaféTO experience for restaurant operators and their patrons in 2024. The City is ready to:
1. Fast track approvals for returning restaurants – Ensure any restaurants that participated in 2023, have the same installation plan for 2024 and are in good standing with all requirements will be fast tracked through approvals and confirmed by no later than Thursday, November 30. For returning restaurants that want or need to change their curb lane patio plans for 2024, City staff will work closely with applicants to get those approvals done as quickly as possible.
2. Provide easier, faster approvals for new restaurants – For restaurants joining the program in 2024, there will be an easier and faster approval process with the new application process start date as early as mid-January. The goal is to approve at least 90 per cent of eligible new applicants by mid-April 2024, provided their applications demonstrate compliance with City requirements.
3. Open curb lane patios by the Victoria Day long weekend – Ensure at least 90 per cent of approved CaféTO curb lane patios are ready to open by the Victoria Day long weekend. Weather permitting, City staff will begin setting up safety equipment on Wednesday, May 1, so that operators can be ready to go.
Other improvements will include more streamlined business processes, improved communication with restaurants and, pending Council consideration, an ongoing review of City policies and regulations, as well as changes to zoning bylaws to make more private patios permanent and support additional revenue for businesses. All these improvements will be informed by ongoing discussions and engagement with program participants.
Proposed changes for the CaféTO 2024 curb lane patio season will be presented in a report to Council later this fall.