Toronto and East York Community Council
On November 15, 2023, TEYCC will be reviewing three items in Parkdale - High Park, details below. These items will be heard on November 15th after 10 AM.
You can register to speak or provide written comment through [email protected].
For further information on this or any other Ward 4 or city-related matter, go to or contact my office at [email protected].
TE9.5: 403 Keele Street and 48-50 Heintzman Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval
This application proposes to construct a new 11 storey mixed-use building with 280 rental dwellings units and 265 square metres of commercial space at grade. One level of underground parking with a total of 23 parking spaces is also proposed.
Following a review of the application and a community meeting, City Planning Staff recommend approval of the application as the proposal is consistent with the pattern and scale of redevelopment in the area and represents appropriate intensification.
The full report is available on-line at
At this time, I will be supporting staff's recommendation to approve this application.
TE9.6: 209 Mavety Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report - Approval
This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a Community Health Centre at 209 Mavety Street through an interior retrofit and renovation of the existing building. The Four Village Community Health Centre is a not-for-profit organization that delivers a range of health services and health promotion programs to residents living in Toronto West such as the Roncesvalles, Swansea, Bloor West, and the Junction Area communities. The services and programs offered by the organization focus on the needs of seniors, newcomers, families with children, and youth.
City Planning Staff recommend approval of the application as the proposal will facilitate the establishment of a community health centre that will encourage the adaptive reuse of an existing building, generate job opportunities, and provide important health services and programs to the community.
The full report is available on-line at
At this time, I will be supporting staff's recommendation to approve this application.
TE9.4: 2760 Dundas Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Decision Report.
The Rezoning Application proposes a new 6 storey mixed-use building at 2760 Dundas Street West (formerly The Peacock Hotel) with 28 dwelling units and 114 square metres of commercial space at grade.
This Staff Report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law based on the following Planning decision: the mixed-use building is an appropriate scale for the site, fits within the existing and planned context and is an example of high quality design that will set a positive precedent for future development in the area.
The Staff Report is available to review at:
Further, information submitted to the City by the applicant is available for your review under on the City's Application Information Centre at: .
Following a review of the staff report and two community meetings, I will be recommending approval of the staff report.
Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods: Survey deadline extended
The Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods: Major Streets Study is conducting consultations on its proposal report with outreach to members of the public, residents' associations, industry, City divisions, and other stakeholders.
The consultation period has been extended to December 14, 2023, to continue to engage with and hear from as many people as possible. Survey available at streets .
Details on the Major Streets Study:
The report proposes official plan and zoning by-law amendments to permit townhouses and small-scale apartment buildings city-wide, in Neighbourhoods, along Map 3 Major Streets. These have been posted to the City's website at streets.
The amendments propose to permit townhouses and small-scale apartment buildings on all properties, along major streets, designated Neighbourhoods across the city and set out built form criteria in policy and zoning. The proposals contribute to the 2023 Housing Action Plan goals to remove exclusionary zoning and to increase housing opportunities in a range of housing forms.
Micromobility Public Survey - deadline December 13
Micromobility describes small, compact, low-speed vehicles that are lighter weight than cars, which can include bicycles, cargo bikes/trikes, folding bikes, electric two, three, or four-wheeled cycles, urban mobility vehicles (i.e. small, one-person e-cars), e-mopeds, electric kick-scooters (e-scooters), and more.
The City of Toronto is seeking public feedback on the use of micromobility, e.g. bikes, e-bikes and other small vehicles. The results from this survey will be used to develop a city-wide strategy for micromobility, including what new forms might be allowed in future. The survey will be open until December 13, 2023.
Update 10: Bloor West Bike Lanes and Complete Street Extension - Nov 8/23
This email is to provide an update on phase 1 of the installation of the Bloor West Bike Lanes and Complete Street Extension from Runnymede Road to Aberfoyle Crescent. Installation of phase 1 began the week of September 11, 2023. Initial installation is planned for completion in December 2023, with upgrades planned for 2024 and beyond.
*Please note that the traffic study, monitoring strategy and final roll plans have been posted on the webpage,
Work scheduled for November 8th to 10th:
- Continued installation of concrete curbs, flex post bollards and planter boxes between South Kingsway and Runnymede Road.
- Continued installation of flex post bollards between Prince Edward Road and South Kingsway.
- Installation of remaining signage to support the complete street design.
Work scheduled for the week of November 13th, 2023:
- Installation of pavement markings for bus stops along the corridor, and the westbound bus lane between Armadale Avenue and Jane Street.
- Installation of painted curb extensions at some unsignalized intersections.
- Installation of remaining curbs and flex post bollards between Aberfoyle Crescent and Runnymede Road.
- Ongoing signage installation and adjustments along the corridor to support the complete street design.
Work scheduled in the rest of November 2023:
- Installation of painted curb extensions and all remaining pavement markings between Runnymede Road and Aberfoyle Crescent.
*Work will take place both during the day and at night and is scheduled to avoid conflicts with other construction in the roadway. The work scheduled is dependent on weather conditions.
For more project details, please visit:
Masaryk Cowan CRC Tournament of Champions - deadline November 16

Community Meeting to discuss development proposal at 1730 Bloor Street West
The property owners of 1730 Bloor St West, current site of strip mall and 7-11, is holding an Online Community Meeting to share preliminary plans for a 25-storey mixed-use development on this site.
Online Community Meeting Details:
Tuesday, November 14th, 6:30pm - 8:00 pm
Link to Join:
Meeting ID: 835 2892 2909
Telephone Dial-in: (647) 558-0588
The meeting will be an opportunity to review a presentation as well as to ask questions and provide comments.
Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance.
Further details are available on the attached flyer. As always, please feel free to contact Councillor Perks' Office if you have ward 4 or city-related questions or concerns.