KQQR Update

Roncesvalles Avenue between Queen Street West and Harvard Avenue has re-opened to the traffic.

Now that Roncesvalles Avenue between Queen Street West and Harvard Avenue has re-opened to the traffic, buses are now running along the entire stretch of Roncesvalles Avenue. Please see the TTC notice here.

The City’s contractor continues to work on Roncesvalles Avenue and The Queensway. Travel lanes continue to be reduced on The Queensway from Glendale Avenue to Parkside Drive.

Updates on each of the work areas is summarized below:

Roncesvalles Avenue

  • Work crews have completed base asphalt on Roncesvalles Avenue (top asphalt remains).
  • Line marking will be completed in the next coming days.
  • Roncesvalles Avenue reopened to vehicles March 14th 2023.
  • Work will continue with the installation of various TTC streetcar track platforms (from Queen St to Dundas St) modification/extension work with only lane restrictions as necessary.
  • Work will also continue overnight on Roncesvalles Avenue for overhead wiring for TTC streetcars.
  • Pending completion of civil works, TTC 504 King Streetcar service is scheduled to resume at the start of May.

The Queensway

  • TTC track work is ongoing between Glendale Avenue and Parkside Bridge.
  • The Stage 2 work is to be completed in late Spring 2023. Upon completion, all travel lanes on The Queensway will be restored.
  • Once civil works are completed, extensive overhead power system upgrades will be installed to allow for the resumption of regular 501 Queen Streetcar Service in the Summer.

Full project details could be found here: https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/get-involved/public-consultations/infrastructure-projects/king-queen-queensway-roncesvalles-construction/

Information on how to subscribe to email updates and the meeting details for the Tuesday morning weekly virtual trailer could be found at the following link: https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/get-involved/public-consultations/infrastructure-projects/king-queen-queensway-roncesvalles-construction/get-informed-kqqr-construction/

A link to a Frequently Asked Questions about the KQQR work could be found here: https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/9371-KQQR-FAQ-February-2023.pdf

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