Council Approves Rental Housing Supply Program


I hope you’re able to connect with friends and family this holiday long weekend and enjoy the various festivities taking place.  

This year’s Pride Parade, a vibrant celebration of Toronto’s diverse 2SLGBTQ+ communities, will take place on Sunday, June 30. More information about Pride celebrations and activities is available on Pride Toronto’s website.  The City is also offering free, city-wide programming to residents and visitors celebrating Canada Day on Monday, July 1.  More details are available on the City’s Canada Day webpage.

I am also proud to share that this week at City Council, Council adopted with amendments two items that meaningfully advance action to address housing insecurity in our city: the Renovicitons Policy Implementation staff report and the Launching the Rental Housing Supply Program staff report.

The Renovictions Policy Implementation staff report provides recommendations for developing a Toronto Renoviction By-Law to protect tenants from bad-faith evictions. Council has directed staff to move forward in developing the by-law and report back to the Planning and Housing Committee in October, 2024, with a proposed renovictions by-law and operational framework to implement the by-law.

The Rental Housing Supply Program is an ambitious suite of measures that support the City’s target of 65,000 new rent-controlled homes being built by 2030, including immediately allocating $351 million in capital funding to 18 affordable rental housing projects.

This will enable all 18 of these projects to get shovels in the ground between now and the end of 2025, creating a total of almost 6,000 new rental homes. No government in my lifetime has been building social housing at this rate.

With your continued involvement, we can build a Toronto where housing is affordable for all.




  • An Update on 1304-1318 King Street West and 143-145 Cowan Avenue - Official Plan, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Rental Housing Demolition Applications

  • 1266 Queen Street West – Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application – Decision Report – Refusal of Official Plan Amendment and Approval of Zoning By-law Amendment

  • Committee of Adjustment Application 1354-1360 Queen Street West and 8-14 Brock Avenue

  • 1337-1355 King Street West - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Decision Report - Approval

  • An Update on 1930 - 1938 Bloor St W and 3, 5 & 21 Quebec Ave - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition & Conversion Application

  • An Update on 2453-2469 Bloor St W - Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

  • Have your say in the library's future and Complete the Survey!

An Update on 1304-1318 King Street West and 143-145 Cowan Avenue - Official Plan, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Rental Housing Demolition Applications

In response to Toronto East York Community Council and City Councils decision to refuse the Official Plan, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Rental Housing Demolition Applications for 1304-1318 King Street West and 143-145 Cowan Avenue, City staff have received notice that the applicant has filed an appeal of this decision with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).


In May 2024, City Council refused the application that proposes a 21-storey mixed use building. The proposal showed 213 square metres of ground floor retail and 263 dwelling units, including 8 rental replacement units. More information on the application can be found on the City’s Application Information Centre website here: Application Information Centre - 1304 KING ST W (


City Council also directed that in the event the applications are appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, that City Council attempt to resolve the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.

The full staff report on this item is available on-line at

As information on the OLT appeal becomes available, our office will share. The OLT website will also post information on their website at

1266 Queen Street West – Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application – Decision Report – Refusal of Official Plan Amendment and Approval of Zoning By-law Amendment

On July 10th, 2024, Toronto and East York Community Council will consider 1266 Queen Street West – Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application – Decision Report – Refusal of Official Plan Amendment and Approval of Zoning By-law Amendment

The application proposes to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to construct a 24-storey mixed use building with a 5 storey base building, containing 331 residential units. A total of 22,104 square metres of gross floor area is proposed, including 563 square metres of commercial space on the ground floor.

The Staff Report reviewed and recommends refusal of the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) application and approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law.

Note: Staff recommend refusal of the OPA proposal as the redesignation for conversion has been reviewed and approved through a separate Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) and is waiting for the Provincial Minister’s approval. This OPA creates a duplicate of work already completed and waiting for provincial approval.

The Staff Report recommends approval of the Zoning proposal as it reflects area-specific policy intent for West Queen West, particularly as it relates to polices associated with built form and development within mixed use areas. Staff worked with the applicant and the community to improve the proposed height and massing, and to limit shadow impacts on adjacent properties.

The Staff Report is available for review at:

Further, information submitted to the City by the applicant is available for your review on the City's Application Information Centre at:

This item will be heard on July 10th after 10 AM.

I will be supporting the staff recommendation. I ask that you review the details of the report and share your questions and comments with my office: [email protected] , 416-392-7919.

You can register to speak or provide written comment through [email protected]. Registered speakers will be provided with instructions on connecting to the meeting.

TEYCC will also be streamed live online at

For further information on this or any other Ward 4 or city-related matter, go to or contact my office at [email protected].

Committee of Adjustment Application 1354-1360 Queen Street West and 8-14 Brock Avenue

In August 2023, an application for rezoning proposing an 11-storey mixed use building was approved at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) contingent on satisfaction of certain conditions.

The applicant has now filed an application to alter the development standards for the 11-storey mixed-use building by increasing the height from 39 m to 40m, reducing the terracing setbacks fronting Abbs Street and Brock Avenue, increasing the total gross floor area, increasing the residential gross floor area, and reducing the indoor and outdoor amenity space. This building will provide a total of 222 residential

dwelling units, as well as non-residential spaces (to be located on the ground floor).

This alteration requires a Committee of Adjustment Minor variance. The site still requires Site Plan application approval.

The Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance request will be heard on Wednesday, July 10th.

As Councillor Perks appoints citizens to the Committee of Adjustment to make decisions on minor variances and, on the advice of the Integrity Commissioner, Councillor Perks cannot attempt to influence a member's decision on an application. He does not communicate with the panel members at committee or through written comment about the application.

The Committee of Adjustment process does offer an opportunity for the public to participate in the process. Community members have an opportunity to comment on the application at the virtual Committee of Adjustment hearing.

The Public Notice with requested variances and details on how to view and/or participate, is below.

1337-1355 King Street West - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Decision Report - Approval

On July 10th, 2024, Toronto and East York Community Council will consider TE15.2 - 1337-1355 King Street West - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment, and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Decision Report - Approval

The application proposes to permit a 10 storey residential building consisting of 92 affordable housing units, including 10 rental replacement units at 1337-1355 King Street West.  The existing 11 storey “Phoenix Place” apartment building and Parkdale United Church at 1355 King Street West will be fully retained on the site.


This Staff Report recommends approval of this application and approval of a Rental Housing Demolition application. This includes a Tenant Relocation and Assistance Plan that addresses the right for existing tenants to return to rental replacement dwelling units at a similar rent, and interim accommodation for the duration of the construction period.


The staff Report is available for review at:

Further, information submitted to the City by the applicant is available for your review on the City's Application Information Centre at:

I am proud to voice my support for this application and will recommend approval of this staff report.

This item will be heard on July 10th after 10 AM.

You can register to speak or provide written comment through [email protected].

For further information on this or any other Ward 4 or city-related matter, go to or contact my office at [email protected].

An Update on 1930 - 1938 Bloor St W and 3, 5 & 21 Quebec Ave - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition & Conversion Application

In response to Toronto East York Community Council and City Councils decision to refuse the Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition & Conversion application for 1930 - 1938 Bloor St W and 3, 5 & 21 Quebec Ave, City staff have received notice that the applicant has filed an appeal of this decision with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

In May 2024, City Council refused the application that proposes a 17-storey mixed use building. The proposal showed 380 square metres of ground floor retail and 144 dwelling units, including 12 rental replacement units. More information on the application can be found on the City’s Application Information Centre website here:

City Council also directed that in the event the applications are appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, that City Council attempt to resolve the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.

The full staff report on this item is available on-line at

As information on the OLT appeal becomes available, our office will share. The OLT website will also post information on their website at

An Update on 2453-2469 Bloor St W - Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

In January 2024, a complete application was submitted for 2453-2469 Bloor St W which proposed a 13-storey mixed use building. The application proposed 260 square metres of ground floor retail and 91 dwelling units, with 111 bike parking spaces and 40 vehicle parking spaces.

This application was considered by City Planning staff to be unsuitable to the location. Instead, staff recommended, and City Council approved in their May 2024 session, an altered application that is 10-storeys high with similar residential unit counts and ground floor retail, with altered massing.

In response to Toronto East York Community Council and City Councils decision to approve an altered Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 2453-2469 Bloor St W, City staff have received notice that the applicant has filed an appeal of this decision with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

City Council directed that in the event the application was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, that City Council attempt to resolve the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.

More information on the original application can be found on the City’s Application Information Centre website here:

More information on the City Staff approved building, and their reasoning for their changes to the original application, can be found in the staff report here:

The full staff report on this item is available on-line at

As information on the OLT appeal becomes available, our office will share. The OLT website will also post information on their website at


Have your say in the library's future!  

Toronto Public Library is creating a new Strategic Plan to guide the library over the next five years, and they’d like your input! Based on the ideas shared in the first round of consultations, the library has identified eight areas to focus on. Now, they need your help to further prioritize and guide their work. To participate, please visit before July 24.  


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