The Bloor Street West Complete Street Extension between Runnymede Road and Resurrection Road aims to make travel on the street safer, more inviting, and attractive for everyone.
I am pleased to share that the public consultation is complete and that Transportation Services will be recommending installation of complete street elements on Bloor Street West from Runnymede Road to Resurrection Road as well as accompanying changes to the South Kingsway intersection.
If approved, phase 1 from Runnymede Road to Aberfoyle Crescent will be installed in summer of 2023.
This is great news for all road users.
Proposed changes to the street include road safety improvements, cycle tracks, and public realm upgrades to meet Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan and Climate Change Action Plan goals.
Changes to Bloor Street West will be made with materials that can be installed quickly, such as bollards, roadway paint, planters and signage. No major road reconstruction is planned.
In Ward 4, Highlights of the proposed design on Bloor Street West include the following:
- Reducing the speed limit to 40km/hr between Runnymede Road and Kipling Avenue;
- New cycle tracks with physical separation on both sides;
- One motor vehicle lane removed in each direction between Runnymede Road and Aberfoyle Crescent;
- Centre lane or median converted to new, centre left-turn lane from Armadale Avenue to South Kingsway; Old Mill Drive to Riverside Drive
- Westbound bus lane and right-turn lane on the north side of Bloor Street West from Armadale Avenue to Jane Street;
- On-street parking retained on both sides of the street from Runnymede Road to Armadale Avenue, and in existing parking lay-bys from Armadale Avenue to Aberfoyle Crescent (in the summer, on-street parking can become cafés beside the sidewalk as part of the CaféTO program);
Highlights of the proposed design at the South Kingsway intersection include the following:
- New cycle tracks and removal of one motor vehicle lane per direction on Bloor Street West;
- Close the eastern entrance of Mossom Road to southbound vehicles in order to improve safety and predictability of motor vehicle movements at the intersection. The majority of pedestrian collisions have occurred with drivers turning across the South Kingsway crosswalk with pedestrians having the right-of-way. Two irregular driving manoeuvers would no longer be allowed with the proposed closure to the eastern entrance. Mossom Road would be converted to two-way travel for part of its length to provide residential access. A new left-turn lane would be provided at Riverside Drive and the existing left-turn restriction from Bloor Street West would be removed;
- Extend the length of left-turn lanes for drivers turning from Bloor Street West onto South Kingsway and Jane Street; and
- Add more green signal time for the busiest motor vehicle movements.
- More details on the proposed changes are available here: ca/BloorWest
As part of the approval process, staff will report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on June 5, 2023. You can see the staff report here:
If you wish to register to speak to this item in person or virtual at Infrastructure and Environment Committee or if you wish to submit written comment, please email [email protected]. Registered speakers will be provided with instructions on connecting to the meeting.
IEC will also be streamed live online at
You can also contact my office by email at [email protected] or by phone at 416-392-7919 to share your feedback.
I look forward to continuing to work with you to make our streets and neighbourhoods safer.
In this week's newsletter
- New Public Space at the Dowling Avenue Bridge
- 1229 Queen Street West Pre-Application Open House
- Reminder: 1728 Bloor St. West Community Consultation Meeting
- -Parkdale Community Recreation Centre's (CRC) CampTO Explore program - Registration Now Open
- Toronto Police Services Board Seeks Input from the Public for its Four-year Strategic Plan