Ontario Place Redevelopment – Public Consultation meetings on September 7th
The City of Toronto is planning the next round of community engagement on the Ontario Place Redevelopment plan.
I will continue to work closely with Ontario Place for All and Deputy Mayor Malik to advocate for a fair and transparent process. We also want to see that these public lands remain publicly-owned and accessible. As Ontario Place is located within the Toronto-Centre ward represented by Deputy Mayor Malik, she has shared a statement outlining her concerns about the current process.
On Thursday September 7th, the City will be hosting an in-person community consultation meeting to get the community's feedback on the proposal. Here are the meeting details:
Community Consultation Meeting (In-Person)
Thursday, September 7, 2023 – Beanfield Centre, Exhibition Place
- Open house design panels: 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
- Presentation and discussion: 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
A virtual community consultation is also being planned for early September. We will share the meeting details as soon as they become available.
To learn more about this project, visit https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/waterfront/current-projects/ontario-place-redevelopment/
West Queen West Planning Study Community Meeting on September 5th
At the July 2023 City Council meeting, amendments to the West Queen West Planning Study (Bathurst Street to Roncesvalles Avenue) – Official Plan Amendment were recommended by City Planning (Community Planning, Urban Design, Transportation Planning and Heritage Planning) staff and approved by Council.
The amendments are now public and available at https://secure.toronto.ca/council/#/committees/2462/23196 Search CC8.20
City Planning staff have provided a summary of the amendments to assist in explaining the purpose and effect of the changes to the policy. The summary can be found here.
Further, Councillor Perks has scheduled a WebEx call on September 5th from 5-6 PM for interested community members to have an opportunity to review and discuss these amendments with Councillor Perks and City Planning staff.
WebEx link: https://toronto.webex.com/toronto/j.php?MTID=m0d550043bcb46280c026db8f598e625a
OLT Decision on 1354-1360 Queen St W/8-14 Brock Ave
The Ontario Land Tribunal has issued its decision regarding the appeal of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application for a new 11-storey mixed-use building at 1354-1360 Queen St W and 8-14 Brock Avenue (Queen and Brock),
The Tribunal has approved the application pending a number of conditions including securing a tenant assistance plan pursuant to policy of the City’s Official Plan, to the satisfaction of the City.
The OLT decision is available here.
An original 9 storey building was submitted to the City in 2020 and then appealed at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). City Council had directed the City Solicitor, together with City Planning staff, and other appropriate City staff, attend the OLT in opposition to the proposed development.
1304 King Street West - community meeting on August 30th
The property owner of 1304-1318 King St West and 143-145 Cowan Avenue is holding an online pre-application Community Meeting to share preliminary plans for a 21-storey mixed-use building.
Online Community Meeting Details:
Wednesday, August 30th, 2023 6:30 – 8 PM
Link to join: zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 847 4424 7798
Telephone dial-in: 647-558-0588
The meeting will be an opportunity to review a presentation as well as to ask questions and provide comments.
Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance.
Further details are available on the flyer below.

2442-2454 Bloor Street West Construction Management Plan and Site Plan Community Meeting
The 2442-2454 Bloor St W Construction Management Plan and Site Plan Community Meeting has found a new date. The meeting is taking place on Tuesday, September 5th from 6:30pm-8pm.
In 2019 City Council approved a mixed-use development consisting of a 12-storey apartment building containing 186 residential units with retail on the ground floor.
To ensure that the community remains a part of the process for this development I will be, in cooperation with City Planning staff and the applicant, holding a community meeting in September. This meeting will allow you to view the proposed Construction Management Plan and share your thoughts about how best to conscientiously tackle the disruption that comes with constructing a new building of this size. It will be a great opportunity to ask questions and for the applicant and City Staff to gather feedback. I will chair the meeting which will include presentations from City Planning and the applicant, followed by a Q&A period to allow discussion.
More information for the site is available here.
The link to join the meeting will be available in next week's newsletter
Fall Recreation Program Listings have now launched
The City's fall recreation program listings are now available online to help residents prepare for registration dates next month.
Registration for City fall recreation programs opens at 7 a.m. on both Tuesday, September 12 (Etobicoke York, including York South-Weston, Toronto and East York) and Wednesday, September 13 (North York and Scarborough), for programs that begin on Saturday, September 30.
Residents can visit the City’s Fall Recreation webpage at www.toronto.ca/FallRec to learn more about registration dates in their area and to find program and registration information.
The quickest and easiest way to register for recreation programs is online. Registration by phone will also be available by calling 416-396-7378 from 7 a.m. on registration dates. For in-person registration support, five community centre locations will be open on the following dates, from 7 a.m. to noon:
- September 12
- Driftwood Community Recreation Centre, 4401 Jane St.
- Masaryk-Cowan Community Recreation Centre, 220 Cowan Ave.
- Wellesley Community Centre, 495 Sherbourne St.
- September 13
- Centennial Recreation Centre, 1967 Ellesmere Rd.
- Dennis R. Timbrell Resource Centre, 29 St. Dennis Dr.
Residents who require help preparing for registration can call 416-396-7378, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In addition to normal operating hours, the City will offer extended hours on Monday, September 11 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The call centre will be open for extended hours on registration days from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Discounts and free recreation programs
Many community centres offer free recreation programs including leisure swimming and drop-in programs for children, youth and older adults. Information about free programs and other subsidies for recreation programs is available on the City’s Free & Lower-Cost Recreation Options webpage: https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/recreation/free-lower-cost-recreation-options/.
Welcome Policy yearly credit
The Welcome Policy credit can be used to register for City recreation programs including fall recreation. Those receiving social assistance (Ontario Works) and living in Toronto are pre-approved to receive this credit and should speak to their caseworker or apply online. Toronto residents with a before-tax total family income below the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) threshold may also apply for the Welcome Policy by visiting the City’s Welcome Policy webpage: www.toronto.ca/community-people/employment-social-support/child-family-support/welcome-policy-recreation-fee-subsidy/.
Recreation jobs
Information about positions and upcoming information sessions is available on the City’s Recreation Jobs webpage: https://www.toronto.ca/home/jobs/information-for-applicants/recruitment-initiatives/recreation-jobs/new-applicants/how-to-get-hired-in-recreation/.
Runnymede Library Renovations and Closure
The Runnymede library will be closed for roofing renovations beginning Monday September 4, 2023. The work should take approximately four weeks and the branch is scheduled to re-open as of Tuesday October 10, 2023
The book drop will be closed during the construction. Library materials may be returned to any Toronto Public Library branch. The closest branch to Runnymede is the Annette branch, at 145 Annette St.
Here is a list of "What's on at Library Branches" in our Ward
Gus Ryder pool open till September 24
Parks, Forestry and Recreation will be extending the pool season at ten
pools, until Sunday, September 24, 2023.
Sunnyside Gus Ryder Outdoor Pool in Parkdale-High Park will be extended this season, along with nine others. The selected pools will be open Monday – Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. and
Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 7:00 p.m. The pools that will remain open are:

TTC Survey available till August 27
The TTC is seeking your valuable insights to enhance transit services and experiences. Participate in Round three of engagement until August 27, 2023, for our 5 Year Annual Service Plan and 10-year Customer Experience Action Plan. Your feedback will help us improve the TTC’s express bus network, regional transit integration, safety measures, trip planning, real-time information, stops, station amenities, and cleanliness.
Take the Survey: Share your thoughts at www.ttc5yearplans.ca/survey or request a hard copy via email ([email protected]) or phone (647-905-8825).
Learn More: Visit www.ttc5yearplans.ca. Together, let's create a better transit future for everyone!