February 2023
Update on 2-6 Howard Park Avenue Zoning By-law Amendment Application
On February 7th 2023, Toronto City Council will be reviewing the 2-6 Howard Park Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Further Directions Regarding the OLT Hearing: https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2023.CC3.10
The application for rezoning of 2-6 Howard Park Avenue was originally submitted to the City in April, 2021 proposing an 11-storey mixed use building with 128 residential units and 377 square metres of commercial retail space at grade.
The applicant appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in November, 2021. A nine day hearing has been scheduled by the OLT beginning March 27, 2023.
The City Solicitor is bringing a Request for Further Direction Report to the February 7th City Council Meeting for the purpose of requesting instructions for the upcoming OLT hearing. The report recommends that City Council adopt recommendations contained in a Confidential Attachment and authorize the public release of specific confidential recommendations.
An application was submitted in April 2021 proposing an 11-storey mixed-use building with 128 units at the N/W corner of Howard Park Avenue and Dundas St West.
An Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) appeal was filed in November 2021. City Council has directed the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to attend the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearing to oppose the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 2-6 Howard Park Avenue in its current form and to continue discussions with the applicant in an attempt to resolve outstanding issues.
An OLT hearing has now been scheduled for March, 2023.